ifeel interviews

Discover all the trends in mental health at work provided by HR experts from large organisations.


Interview: Isabel Ruiz Maldonado

“Ifeel’s team is always available for any queries and is very agile in resolving them.”


Interview: Lisa Porres

“Ifeel’s most outstanding feature is its personalised and accessible approach.”



Interview: David Peñaranda 

“At Werfen, we care about people. Our employees are our greatest asset.”



Interview: Virginia Grenón

“Finding you as a partner who could provide us with value wherever our team is and at whatever time, was a great discovery.”

Interview: Sabrina Kruse

 “Our partnership with ifeel has catalysed a positive shift in discussing mental well-being at SCOR.” 



Interview: Kalina Pleil

 “This year, along with ifeel, we have listened to our employees’ needs.” 



Interview: Pilar Collado
and Laura Risquete

“Communication is an ongoing day-to-day task, but it is undoubtedly a key element for all of us to work towards a common goal.”


Interview: Javier Sordo Gómez

Why choose ifeel
to take care of your team?





Interview: Carlos Romero-Camacho Silos

 “Companies must analyze trends, adapt, and take care of their employees.” 




Interview: Cristina Martín

How relevant is the workplace well-being in HR?


Interview: Isabel Arribas

“Our main goal will continue to be serenity, calmness, and inner peace... balance generates solutions.”

beatriz julian almarcegui

Interview: Beatriz Julián Almarcegui

What do you expect to be the main HR trends in 2022?


Interview: Olga Guzmán

“It is essential to create well-being programs to take care of employees.”



Interview: Swantje Eggers

 “It’s an exciting time and I believe a chance for many employers to break out of old habits.” 



Interview: Jaime de Nardiz

 “We have witnessed that you are a very relevant market observatory since everything is related to employee well-being.” 


Interview: Judith Palau

“It is essential to create well-being programs to take care of employees.”


Interview: Swantje Eggers

 “It’s an exciting time and I believe a chance for many employers to break out of old habits” 


Interview: Jaime de Nardiz

 “We have witnessed that you are a very relevant market observatory since everything is related to employee well-being.”