Andres Iniesta

Andrés Iniesta defends what really matters: mental well-being

A few years ago, talking about mental health at work was taboo in society. Today, however, we have seen how this particular topic has gained the importance it deserves in the business sphere. The reason behind this change in perspective is that we have begun to understand that mental health directly impacts organisational health.

In the workplace, although it is becoming increasingly common to find companies looking after the psychological well-being of their employees, there is still a long way to go. This is due to the false belief that mental well-being should only be an individual concern, not a workplace issue. However, this is far from the truth.

Mental health is a factor that influences all areas of our lives: the ability to face challenges, establish healthy relationships, achieve goals and maintain overall well-being. So when mental health is compromised, everything else suffers. This includes, of course, our performance at work – if my abilities are challenged, the quality of my work will be compromised. It is like trying to build a house on an unstable foundation; eventually, the whole thing will collapse.

At ifeel, we are honoured to work hand in hand with people committed to the pursuit of mental well-being, including our Global Ambassador, Andrés Iniesta, who works with us to build healthy companies.

boost talent strategy

Throughout his career, Andrés Iniesta has worn very important shirts, and now, for the second year in a row, he is also wearing another great team’s shirt: ifeel’s global mental well-being solution for companies Let’s take a look at one of his other campaigns with ifeel:

Iniesta, in particular, has always shown a special sensitivity towards mental health issues, as he understands that anyone can need help to take care of their mental well-being and that the workplace plays a key role in the solution.

That’s why the footballer decided to join us to achieve one goal: to empower people to pursue their well-being inside and outside of work.

Focusing on what really matters

At ifeel, together with Andrés Iniesta, our Global Ambassador, we work each year to raise awareness of the importance of making companies aware of what really matters: their employees’ mental well-being.

Of course, 2023 is no exception. This year, in line with World Mental Health Day, our campaign aims to think of mental well-being not only as an individual concern but as a universal right that, in turn, impacts the working environment of companies. 

Andrés Iniesta defends what really matters: mental well-being

Therefore, with the help of our Global Ambassador, Andrés Iniesta, we seek to increase the conversation in the workplace, reminding company executives and managers that they play a key role in promoting the mental health of their employees. We invite them to put the focus of their strategies on what really matters: prioritising their team’s mental well-being, and contributing to the creation of a more productive and healthy working environment for all.

Prevention as a foundation

We at ifeel have launched this year’s Mental Well-being Trends Report, where the results have highlighted the importance of preventing mental health problems in the workplace. Therefore, in line with World Mental Health Day, it is important to recognise that mental well-being is a key factor in a person’s perception of overall well-being, especially in today’s hectic work environment.

In line with this, we at ifeel encourage companies to include an employee care perspective in their human resources strategies. By adopting a preventive strategy, instead of waiting for problems to arise, difficulties can be tackled early, costs can be saved, and a more productive workforce can be created. This involves practicing self-awareness, identifying early signs of stress and anxiety, and seeking support when needed.

When organisations prioritise their employees’ mental health, they are investing in their well-being and creating a more productive and positive work environment. In this way, providing mental well-being solutions for businesses can make a difference in employees’ lives.

Join the global leading solution in mental well-being

Mental well-being for organisations

At ifeel, our commitment is towards workers’ health because we understand that taking care of it is the only realistic way to take care of the health of organisations. That is why our team of psychologists specialised in well-being at work has created a mental well-being solution for companies

Through this collaboration, human resources managers can receive personalised, data-driven advice on improving the psychological well-being of the teams they are in charge of. In addition, this solution offers employees a comprehensive mental well-being care service structured at different levels according to their needs. Try our programme now so that you can discover all its benefits.

Remember, if you would like more information about our mental well-being solution for companies, simply request it, and we will contact your team as soon as possible.

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