What is the JOMO movement? 3 ways to nurture it
In an era that seems deprived of many joys, the one we call the JOMO movement may be one of the healthiest we can find
Discover how to improve employee well-being
How can we improve employee well-being and prioritize it? Employee well-being, understood broadly, is a term that can be assimilated into occupational health and can
What to do when your boss follows you on social media
If your boss follows you on social media, it can either be completely harmless or a source of conflict in your professional development. In this
3 key advantages of using ifeel’s workplace mental health platform
It is ethically imperative for any company to have a workplace mental health platform to take care of its employees’ mental health. It is also
Workaholic on holiday: discover 6 reasons you might be one
Are you a workaholic on holiday? Holidays are, in theory, a time to relax, disconnect from work and recharge your batteries. However, many people experience
How to tackle insomnia at work: 6 tips
Insomnia at work is one of the most consequential risks to the well-being of employees and their performance, hence the importance of preventing it by
What is positive psychology at work?
When complemented with other initiatives, positive psychology at work can be a valuable tool to foster the employees’ psychological well-being and the progress of the
Discover 3 factors that influence an employee engagement survey
An employee engagement survey is essential to know the workforce’s state of mind and the strength of the bond that unites employees with their job
Follow our guidelines for managing emotions at work
Managing emotions at work is a task encompassed within “emotional intelligence” and, therefore, interpersonal. It is a set of skills that can be trained and
How does heat affect our workplace health? 5 tips to help you tackle this weather
How does heat affect our workplace health? Well, quite a lot. We all know some people spend the year longing for summer, who flourish as
5 tips for dealing with workplace negativity
Workplace negativity is related to what is known as “emotional contagion.” It is a simplified way of pointing out a very complex communicative process that
7 social skills at work: Why are they essential?
Social skills, in general, and, therefore, social skills at work, are a set of skills that we practice when interacting with other people and that
5 benefits of implementing a shadow board
The shadow board concept applied to companies is inspired by the original idea, which comes from the industrial world: a shadow board is a panel
How to enjoy your holidays: a quick overview
Taking a break from work is essential to recharge and maintain mental well-being. It’s crucial to enjoy your holidays fully to reap the benefits of
Understanding multiculturalism in the workplace
Multiculturalism in the workplace is a growing phenomenon in many companies, especially in large corporations, which often have huge teams within each headquarters or with
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