employee engagement platform

5 advantages of having an employee engagement platform 

An employee engagement platform measures employees’ levels of commitment and motivation to their company. Such platforms have many advantages, as they target various areas of our professional lives. It involves benefits that keep employees at the top of their game and more abstract elements that satisfy them and make them eager to continue working where they do. Employee engagement should be maintained throughout an employee’s life cycle. Therefore it is important to keep a constant lookout for shifts in trends and formats in the professional sphere.  

As always, HR plays a crucial role in sustaining engagement. At ifeel, we believe the basis of an employee engagement platform is well-being, an element that needs to be monitored at work so that the employee is healthy in other aspects of life. Keep reading to learn more about how an employee engagement platform plays a key role in the corporate landscape. 

What is an employee engagement platform?

An employee engagement platform helps companies improve employees’ lifecycle in various aspects.

How can an employee engagement platform boost well-being?

An employee engagement platform helps monitor employees’ well-being by assessing their commitment and motivation levels. This will give HR a clear idea of how the staff is doing.

How does ifeel foster employee engagement?

Ifeel’s emotional well-being program provides an accessible service to users worldwide. Psychological support helps retain talent and care for employees’ individual needs

How does it affect employee retention?

A company will have a low turnover rate when employees know they are being taken care of and their mental health is prioritised.

employee engagement platform

Ifeel’s role as a digital employee engagement platform

Ifeel enhances employees’ mental health by offering a comprehensive well-being platform. Employees can access tools such as monthly check-ups, an emotional diary, and emotional support, available anytime and anywhere. The platform also includes professional psychological support, fostering employee engagement and talent retention.

HR managers benefit from tailored advice from healthcare professionals and tools to evaluate the work environment, ensuring a holistic approach to employee mental well-being. This solution helps integrate mental health into the corporate culture, promoting a healthier, more productive workplace.

What are the advantages of having an employee engagement platform? 

We’ve outlined the advantages of implementing a digital employee engagement platform:

1. Motivation 

Keeping employees motivated is not always easy. Motivation levels can have peaks and slumps during an employee’s lifecycle, which is completely normal: not all tasks will be stimulating, and sometimes our jobs can become monotonous. An employee engagement platform can include goal setting. This can help workers work towards specific objectives and feel fulfilled in their professional arena. As we know, what happens at work strongly affects our personal lives. Therefore it is essential to keep employees motivated to preserve their emotional well-being in both spheres of their lives. 

2. Commitment

Show employees you value them and want to take care of their emotional well-being. Remember, it’s not just about the recruitment process but also how they are taken care of throughout their journey as an employee and when they do their exit interview. After all, employees are your internal customers, and you need them to be committed to achieving the results you are looking for. If they commit to working for your company, you should commit to taking care of their emotional well-being

employee engagement platform

3. Company culture 

A job is a job; however, there are many other aspects to company life, which are not limited to sitting at your desk to get a job done. Keep employees engaged with non-work-related activities. We are all on the same boat, with different roles, but ultimately with the same objectives. Therefore, creating team cohesion and a healthy work environment (whether remote, hybrid or on-site) should be a priority to make your company seem an attractive workplace. This can involve having regular team-building activities where employees get to know each other and have a good time. Or if you have a digital employee engagement platform that provides workshops with professional psychologists, like the one ifeel offers its clients and partners. 

4. Tailored advice for HR 

We keep mentioning the importance of taking care of our employees… but what about those who take care of them? It is also important to focus on HR’s needs to keep the workforce healthy. This means giving them tailored advice based on their data to fit their needs. This also includes workshops on assessing employees’ well-being and giving them access to the right tools to measure their work environment. 

5. Employee retention 

The above points lead to an essential aspect of any HR strategy: employee retention. Placing value on employees and their work is key to fostering their mental health and emotional well-being. If employees feel motivated, cared for, and are part of a healthy work environment, they will want to stay in a company. Moreover, satisfied and healthy employees will be more productive in their tasks, giving the company better results overall. 

employee engagement platform

Join the global leading solution in mental well-being

Mental well-being in organisations

At ifeel, we know that HR departments play a key role in implementing employee engagement platforms. To assist in this process, our team of psychologists specialising in mental well-being has developed a mental well-being program for companies aimed at helping companies enhance employee engagement and boost productivity.

This collaboration allows HR managers to receive personalised, data-based advice on the most effective measures for detecting employee mental health issues and assessing the workplace climate. It’s the best way to understand their needs.

Moreover, ifeel’s corporate mental well-being solution offers employees a structured mental health care service tailored to their needs at any given time.

We hope you found this article on employee engagement platforms interesting. If you want more information about our mental well-being solution for companies, simply request it, and we will contact your team soon.

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