mental health support in the workplace 

6 benefits of having mental health support in the workplace 

Mental health support in the workplace has gained increasing attention due to its crucial nature. A growing number of companies are implementing mental well-being solutions. However, some still have not pinpointed how these issues affect their staff. Implementing such solutions has numerous benefits, not only for employees but for the company’s performance all together. This article discusses why companies should have mental health support in the workplace, how they can do it, and its benefits. 

Benefits of mental health support in the workplace

Implementing mental health support in the workplace is key if large companies want to maximise their performance and results. But most importantly, it boosts employees’ mental well-being in many ways. Here are some of the benefits of having mental health support in the workplace: 

mental health support in the workplace 

1. Employee engagement

Employee engagement encompasses an employee’s dedication to a company, motivation, and active participation in the workplace. Organisations are increasingly adopting strategies to boost these aspects, with a growing focus on mental health support in the workplace. 

The pivotal role of mental health in this context is key, as employees who are healthier, both professionally and personally, demonstrate higher commitment. Furthermore, fostering employee engagement increases productivity and positively impacts overall company performance.

2. Talent management 

One of the most negative effects an organisation can suffer is seeing its best employees leave the team early because they feel their work undermines their mental well-being. Therefore, taking care of the workforce, by strategically adopting measures to make their lives easier, is an effective measure to avoid talent drain in large companies.

By fostering a positive and supportive work environment, organizations can not only retain their top talents but also attract top talent. Studies show that 80% consider mental health support crucial when seeking future employment​. Therefore, a job seeker is more likely to apply for a job with numerous benefits, in addition to a competitive salary, especially if the company offers mental health support in the workplace. 

3. Reduces absenteeism 

If an employee isn’t happy or fulfilled in the workpalce, a lack of employee well-being gradually affects employee engagement, reduces the standard of their work and, in many ways, increases the likelihood that they won’t show up for work and start to neglect their duties. One of the main benefits of mental health support in the workplace is to help prevent absenteeism, helping the company to save overall costs.

Moreover, fostering a mentally healthy work environment not only contributes to greater productivity, but also enhances employee satisfaction, resulting in a more active and efficient workforce.

4. Work-life balance 

Encouraging work-life balance as part of mental health support initiatives is critical to preventing poor mental well-being. When people are able to maintain a balance between their professional and personal lives, they are less likely to experience long-term stress and burnout. This balance allows employees to refuel, fostering resilience and a more positive outlook.

In addition, focusing on work-life balance contributes to increased job satisfaction, as employees feel empowered to prioritise personal care and family commitments alongside their jobs. Ultimately, organisations that actively support work-life balance as a feature of mental health care not only cultivate a healthier and more motivated workforce but also position themselves as preferred employers in a competitive labour market.

mental health support in the workplace 

Tips for implementing mental health support in the workplace

To further support mental health in the workplace, here are practical tips along with how to implement them:

TipHow to Implement
Educate EmployeesConduct workshops and training sessions to raise awareness about mental health issues and resources.
Promote Open CommunicationEncourage a culture where employees feel safe discussing mental health without fear of stigma.
Provide ResourcesImplement Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and ensure employees know how to access them.
Offer Flexible Work OptionsAllow for flexible working hours or remote work to help employees manage stress and work-life balance.
Train ManagersEquip managers with skills to recognise and address signs of mental health issues in their teams.
Integrate Wellness ProgramsCombine mental health initiatives with physical wellness programs to promote overall well-being.
Foster a Supportive CultureCreate an environment of trust and support where employees feel valued and understood.

Prioritising prevention

Mental health support in the workplace is a crucial preventive measure as it fosters a culture of awareness, understanding, and intervention. Through workshops and resources, employees gain knowledge about mental health, enabling early detection of potential problems.

Mental health support programmes create an environment where people feel comfortable seeking help before problems escalate. In addition, access to mental well-being solutions such as therapy ensures that employees facing stressful situations or emotional difficulties can quickly receive the help they need, mitigating the risk of mental health problems developing or worsening.

Overall, a workplace committed to mental health support acts as a proactive force, promoting the well-being of its employees and preventing the onset or worsening of mental health problems.

6 benefits of having mental health support in the workplace 

2023 Mental Well-being Trends report: Prevention as a foundation

Our team of psychologists has launched this year’s mental well-being trends report. Our research found that by placing prevention at the forefront, large companies can tackle poor mental well-being amongst the workforce. 

ifeel’s research also indicates that 40% of users who start a therapeutic process rate their symptoms as very severe (8 out of 10). This proves we need more research to understand why and shows how important it is to have strategies to prevent these problems from worsening in the first place.

Moreover, 57% of the users who come to ifeel do so after they have already had these symptoms for a year or more, meaning that they come to us when they have already been suffering from these symptoms for a long time. This suggests a significant lag in seeking help for their symptoms, which may suggest that they have attempted to treat their symptoms on their own or that they were unaware of the support resources available to them. This highlights the importance of raising awareness of mental health problems and the need for early intervention and prevention.

Join the global leading solution in mental well-being

Mental well-being solutions for organisations

At ifeel, we acknowledge the importance of implementing mental health support in the workplace through preventative strategies to help employees thrive.

To support companies in this process, our team of expert workplace well-being psychologists has created a mental well-being solution for businesses that improves talent retention, reduces presenteeism, and combats employee stress. 

With our mental well-being solution, your company’s HR managers can receive personalised, data-driven advice on improving mental health at work. In addition, this solution offers employees a 360° mental well-being service structured at different levels according to their needs. Try our solution now to see how it could help you.

We hope you found this post on mental health support in the workplace interesting. If you would like more information about ifeel’s mental well-being solutions for companies, simply request it, and we will contact your team as soon as possible.

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