2023 Mental Well-being
Trends Unleashed:
Prevention as a Foundation
Unlock this year’s mental well-being trends with ifeel’s latest report.
Tap into our own clinical data to gain a deeper understanding of the mental health landscape in today’s workplace. This report offers groundbreaking statistics on the current state of mental well-being in companies, the Consultation Roadmap for 2023, and overall user satisfaction levels. Download our report to explore the data we’ve gathered to help organisations like yours put prevention first and create a supportive environment for employees.
Mental well-being in organisations
Did you know...?
42% of employees struggle with anxiety at work. This worrying statistic is just one of the findings uncovered by our clinical team. Unfortunately, mental health problems have an extremely negative impact on both the employee and the organisation. Anxiety and other mental health problems at work can lead to absenteeism and elevated healthcare costs for companies.
In fact, the WHO states, “Globally, an estimated 12 billion working days are lost every year to depression and anxiety at a cost of US$ 1 trillion per year in lost productivity”. Looking beyond the financial implications, these statistics highlight the profound influence of mental health problems on staff. Addressing and preventing mental well-being problems should be an organisations priority from the beginning.
Did you know...?
42% of employees struggle with anxiety at work. This worrying statistic is just one of the findings uncovered by our clinical team. Unfortunately, mental health problems have an extremely negative impact on both the employee and the organisation. Anxiety and other mental health problems at work can lead to absenteeism and elevated healthcare costs for companies.
In fact, the WHO states, “Globally, an estimated 12 billion working days are lost every year to depression and anxiety at a cost of US$ 1 trillion per year in lost productivity”. Looking beyond the financial implications, these statistics highlight the profound influence of mental health problems on staff. Addressing and preventing mental well-being problems should be an organisations priority from the beginning.

Download our report
Ifeel: the leading holistic solution

At ifeel, we believe that mental well-being should be supported from the very beginning when an employee joins a company, and that means preventing any mental health issues from arising throughout their journey as an employee.
Ifeel is a unique, comprehensive, and scalable solution that uses the power of data to provide a holistic understanding of your employees’ mental well-being while ensuring service quality and confidentiality for your employees. Our team of qualified and experienced psychologists provides confidential and comprehensive support to help you at every step of the journey, always by your side.