EAPs in large international companies

Employee Value Proposition (EVP): Key to attracting and retaining talent

In today’s competitive business environment, in which large organisations are constantly on the lookout for the best talent, it is necessary to generate strategies that, beyond just attracting the right employees, allow them to stay and develop their professional skills within the company. 

In this sense, the “Employee Value Proposition (EVP)” was born, positioning itself as a fundamental tool to achieve this objective, as it represents a strategy for attracting and retaining human capital, especially in highly competitive sectors. Let’s see what it is all about. 

employee value proposition

What is an Employee Value Proposition (EVP)?

The employee value proposition is the promise and set of benefits a company offers its employees in exchange for their skills, abilities, and experiences. 

This proposition can range from financial compensation to the work environment, including medical benefits, training programmes, and professional development opportunities. In this way, the Employee Value Proposition is the added value that makes working for a company attractive and valuable to employees.

Among the most common components of EVPs are:

  1. Compensation and benefits: Includes competitive salaries, bonuses, health insurance, and other financial benefits.
  1. Culture and work environment: Reflects the company’s values, mission, and vision, as well as the day-to-day work environment.
  1. Professional development and growth: Opportunities for education, training, and career advancement for employees.
  1. Work-life balance: Policies that enable employees to balance their work and personal responsibilities.

Importance of EVP 

Thanks to globalisation and the advancement of technology, professionals have a wider range of job opportunities that are not limited by physical borders. This represents a great advantage for workers, exposing them to a wide range of quality options, making it easier to choose where to develop their skills. 

However, this represents a challenge for companies, increasing the difficulty of attracting and retaining highly skilled and talented workers. Therefore, organisations must develop attractive compensation and benefits packages that stand out from the existing offerings to attract the best possible talent. 

In this way, the employee value proposition has become essential to many companies’ HR strategy, helping them attract the best candidates while fostering a positive work environment.

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The EVP from the employee’s perspective 

An attractive value proposition is essential to differentiate the company in the labour market. Candidates are looking for a competitive salary and a work environment that promotes their well-being and personal and professional development. In this sense, companies that clearly communicate their Employee Value Proposition during recruitment have a significant advantage in attracting talent.

Once employees join the organisation, the employee value proposition remains crucial. Therefore, effective induction programmes and continuous professional development opportunities help new employees integrate quickly and see a clear path for growth within the company. This not only improves employee satisfaction but also increases employee engagement and productivity.

Carlos Romero-Camacho Silos, Chief People & Corporate Affairs Officer at Insud Pharma, an ifeel partner company, points out: 

“We are a family of 7,000 multidisciplinary professionals from different nationalities, enthusiastic, flexible, and enterprising. We work in a very dynamic and agile environment; therefore, we always focus on our employees and their well-being.”.

Similarly, a strong EVP positively influences every stage of the employee lifecycle, fostering long-term retention. A well-defined and executed EVP can significantly reduce employee turnover. By providing a work environment that supports employees’ mental health, opportunities for advancement and an appropriate work-life balance, companies can maintain high levels of engagement and loyalty among their workforce.

David Peñaranda, Health & Safety Manager Spain and Portugal at Werfen, an ifeel partner company, stands out: 

«At Werfen, we care about people. Our employees are our greatest asset. That is why we are committed to their well-being in all its dimensions, offering a wide range of benefits to encourage healthy habits, promote work-life balance, and create an environment where everyone can feel supported and valued..»

Benefits of a well-defined EVP

Implementing an effective employee value proposition has multiple benefits for organisations:

  1. Greater talent attraction: Companies with a strong employee value proposition attract more and better quality candidates. Objectively defining the value proposition positions the company as an attractive place, making it easier for candidates to make decisions.
  1. Improved retention: Engaged and satisfied employees are less likely to seek opportunities in other companies.
  1. Increased Productivity: Employees who feel valued and supported are more productive and contribute better to the company’s success.
  1. Corporate reputation: A positive employee value proposition contributes to a strong and attractive brand image for current and potential employees.
employee value proposition

Building an effective employee value proposition

Developing an effective value proposition requires a deep understanding of what employees value and how those values align with business objectives. Here are some key steps to building an effective employee value proposition:

1. Conduct research, assessing the company

Conducting surveys and interviews with current and potential employees can provide valuable insight into what they value in their employment. Analysing this information helps identify the most important elements to include in the employee value proposition.

Next, define the type of talent you want to attract based on the business objectives you want to achieve. 

2. Design a value proposition and communicate it

Once the information has been gathered, it is essential to define the value proposition and communicate it effectively clearly. This includes integrating it into all stages of the employee lifecycle and ensuring that all levels of the organisation understand and can communicate the EVP.

The employee value proposition must be flexible and tailored to each candidate’s needs. Consider factors such as age, lifestyle, and needs to create an attractive value proposition. 

3. Apply the new EVP and evaluate the results

The implementation of the EVP should be followed by continuous evaluation to measure its effectiveness and make adjustments as necessary. This ensures that the value proposition evolves with employee needs and business objectives.

The impact of EVP on employees’ mental well-being

One of the most critical aspects of the Employee Value Proposition today is how it addresses employee mental health. 

Recent research on the subject has indicated that attitudes to employee mental health care have changed in recent years. It shows that more than 80% of workers think that the way employers support mental health is an important consideration when looking for a job.

Along these lines, a work environment that promotes mental well-being improves employees’ quality of life, increases their productivity, and reduces absenteeism. This is why policies such as flexible working, access to mental health solutions like the one provided by ifeel, and a supportive environment are essential components of an employee value proposition that cares about the holistic well-being of its employees.

employee value proposition

Trust the leaders in mental well-being

At ifeel, we know an Employee Value Proposition is more relevant than ever. Companies that invest in developing a robust employee value proposition will attract and retain the best talent and create a positive work environment that fosters innovation and long-term success.

To assist in this process, our team of psychologists specialising in mental well-being has developed a mental well-being program for companies aimed at helping companies enhance employee engagement and boost productivity.

This collaboration allows HR managers to receive personalised, data-based advice on the most effective measures for detecting employee mental health issues and assessing the workplace environment. It’s the best way to understand their needs. Moreover, ifeel’s corporate mental well-being solution offers employees a structured mental health care service tailored to their needs at any given time.

We hope you found this article on the Employee Value Proposition interesting. If you want more information about our mental well-being solution for companies, simply request it, and we will contact your team soon.

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