3 tips for radical change

3 tips for radical change

Making radical changes in our lives is a coping strategy that allows us to deal with deep dissatisfaction or a desire to improve. We’ve talked about how undertaking small or large projects after the holidays is a healthy way of working towards our goals and ideals (what we call living an “authentic life” in psychological terms). However, sometimes what […]

Maturing: a journey back from Neverland

Maturing: a journey back from Neverland

In our previous post we visited Netherland, the island of our childhood, and we talked about the process of maturing in the wake of two so-called syndromes that, without a doubt, complement each other: the Peter Pan syndrome and the Wendy syndrome. The first is basically associated with a pattern of immaturity: someone who, for […]

Finding the balance between work and life

Finding the balance between work and life

Our fast-paced world may cause us great stress because of high expectations. Sometimes we create these expectations on our own, and sometimes others create them for us, but either way, fulfilling these expectations requires a great amount of effort. While this can motivate us to explore our potential, it can also be detrimental to our mental […]

Cohabitation: more than sharing a space


Sharing a living space can be a great experience whether it be with family, roommates, or a romantic partner. Challenges are inevitable, regardless of how ideal your living situation seems at first. You’ll most likely encounter new behaviors, schedules, and comfort zones when sharing a living space. How are you supposed to choose which differences to […]

A story: “Why therapy changed my life”

A story: “Why therapy changed my life”

I remember the day that I decided to start personal therapy. I already made some attempts in the past, but if I am being 100% honest, I never saw it as a real help in the past. It just seemed like the thing to do. But this time, I was broken inside. That’s the only […]

4 characteristics to confront the challenges of cohabitation

4 characteristics to confront the challenges of cohabitation

Cohabitation is not easy under any circumstances; it poses a huge challenge for anyone. There are many possibilities that come with sharing a living space with another – for example, it could lead to a strengthened relationship built on affection and support, or maybe it could lead to the disintegration of a relationship as a […]

Resilience: 4 characteristics to make you shine after the storm

Resilience: 4 characteristics to make you shine after the storm

In the face of adversity, our resilience is put to the test. It’s not about resisting, because that’s the easy way out. If a tornado hit your home and you were spared but your environment around you was destroyed, simply choosing to remain in that environment is just resisting, but not necessarily being resilient. It […]

Do you know what you want in your life? Clarify your objectives

Do you know what you want in your life? Clarify your objectives

Just like we’ve been saying these past few weeks, September is a good time to start thinking about those new projects or ideas that have been turning in your head for some time. We are fresh from the holidays and we can take advantage of that energy or even that post-holiday depression, to turn it […]

Finishing the holidays means it is time to start a new project

Finishing the holidays means it is time to start a new project

Have you returned from the holidays with a head full of new project ideas? September is usually the time to unpack and return to our workers uniform, which includes schedules, companies, and routines that are a little more strict than what we experienced during the holidays. Once we break that ice, however, it is time […]