What is mental health?
People often ask what mental health is. They’re interested to know the main disorders or problems that psychologists work with and if there’s a big difference between people with mental health problems and those without them. In fact, despite what you may think, there is no clear difference between those two groups of people: there is no […]
The great tree of psychology: the different branches of health
I’m sure you’ve heard of Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis and iconic figure in the field of psychology. This still-young field of science has undergone a tremendous period of evolution since it officially began in the German laboratories of Wundt in 1879. Starting from the initial trunk that Freud designed at the time, the […]
Creativity moves us forward
Creativity is a uniquely human skill that manifests itself in our lives. Maybe you think it’s something superficial, something that only has to do with bricolage or coloring in mandalas in our free time. However, it is a psychological characteristic without which our advance as a species would have been impossible. Ask yourself this question: where would […]
Success and failure: what are they based on?
We constantly hear about success and failure since they are concepts that, in a culture as competitive and dynamic as ours, play a big role in our lives. However, we often leave aside a more deliberate reflection on exactly what measures we use to evaluate success or failure. This happens because we assume that success or […]
6 ways to detect an ambivalent attachment style in your partner
As we have already discussed in other blog posts, the attachment styles that we establish with our partners are intrinsically linked to the relationships we had with our main caregivers when we were young. Today, we will learn more about the insecure or insecure-ambivalent attachment style in relationships. Many psychologists regard the insecure-ambivalent attachment style […]
The drama triangle: where do you fit in?
There is no doubt about it: human relationships are complex. However, have you ever thought about them using the form of a triangle? Well, psychologist Stephen Karpman thought of this geometric form when he proposed his model to better understand how we relate to other human beings and how they relate to us. This idea […]
Meditation: 3 ways to return to the present
Normally, our minds are in a state of worry which causes an almost constant internal dialogue. Instead of meditating we obsess and think deeply about the same ideas. This type of thinking can be called “monkey mind,” “narrative mind,” “wandering mind,” or as the psychologist Vicente Simón calls it, “reflective mind.” In contrast we also […]
Managing self-demands: how our expectations can become a burden
Imagine that there’s a project at hand, any task that comes to mind: studying for an exam, opening a business, strengthening a relationship or even having children. There comes a series of expectations and hopes with any task in our lives, regarding the outcome of the task. The actual outcome of the task will be […]
The dictatorship of happiness: how to overcome it and find your own way
If you’re on social media, you might have already noticed what a great platform it offers to showcase just how very happy you are to the whole world. In reality, it’s not as much about being truly happy as it is about showing everyone that you’re happy through photos, videos, text posts, gifs, links, etc. […]
Making decisions: the beginning of a turn in your life
There are moments during our lives where we might consider making a change. And when we talk about a change, we don’t mean a new haircut – we mean a radical change. In fact, there are circumstances that may cause us to rethink our whole situation, especially when we are not satisfied with our life […]