What kind of company would we like to work for, what tasks are we prepared to perform at each point in our career, how to apply for a particular position, or what is the best time and the best reason to leave our current job and join a new team?
Our professional development is a complex process, shaped by our training, experience and professional goals. It takes place more or less continuously throughout what we call our “career”, stretching from the time we are given our first assignments until we retire.
Along this journey, our professional development is exposed to multiple factors that influence it, just as the rain, sun or wind impact us when we want to get from one place to another.
HR managers play an important role in shaping that process, attracting our attention so that we become interested in a company, nurturing our employee experience so that we want to stay where we are and, of course, carrying out selection processes that play such an important role throughout our professional development.
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