I want to be happy: the fascinating path to wellness

I want to be happy: the fascinating path to wellness

Happiness is something that every single human being is concerned with. Although we refer to it in different ways and think about it from different perspectives, at the end of the day what is hidden within that word is and always has been the same: to feel well. In fact, the idea of well–being, although […]

The great tree of psychology: the different branches of health

The great tree of psychology: the different branches of health

I’m sure you’ve heard of Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis and iconic figure in the field of psychology. This still-young field of science has undergone a tremendous period of evolution since it officially began in the German laboratories of Wundt in 1879. Starting from the initial trunk that Freud designed at the time, the […]

Creativity moves us forward

Creativity moves us forward

Creativity is a uniquely human skill that manifests itself in our lives. Maybe you think it’s something superficial, something that only has to do with bricolage or coloring in mandalas in our free time. However, it is a psychological characteristic without which our advance as a species would have been impossible. Ask yourself this question: where would […]

Insomnia: detection and confrontation

Insomnia: detection and confrontation

Do you have trouble falling asleep? Don’t worry, insomnia is a common problem in our society and represents a great clinical challenge since it’s one of the most frequent complaints for which people seek professional help. In fact, one of the latest studies on the epidemiology of insomnia in Spain reports that 30% of the […]

The three levels of health: biological, psychological and social

The three levels of health: biological, psychological and social

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, not only the absence of illness or disease.” Therefore to be “complete”, optimal health must be present at all three levels: the biological or physical level, the psychological or mental level, and the social or relational level. […]

The dictatorship of happiness: how to overcome it and find your own way

The dictatorship of happiness: how to overcome it and find your own way

If you’re on social media, you might have already noticed what a great platform it offers to showcase just how very happy you are to the whole world. In reality, it’s not as much about being truly happy as it is about showing everyone that you’re happy through photos, videos, text posts, gifs, links, etc. […]

3 tips for radical change

3 tips for radical change

Making radical changes in our lives is a coping strategy that allows us to deal with deep dissatisfaction or a desire to improve. We’ve talked about how undertaking small or large projects after the holidays is a healthy way of working towards our goals and ideals (what we call living an “authentic life” in psychological terms). However, sometimes what […]

Finding the balance between work and life

Finding the balance between work and life

Our fast-paced world may cause us great stress because of high expectations. Sometimes we create these expectations on our own, and sometimes others create them for us, but either way, fulfilling these expectations requires a great amount of effort. While this can motivate us to explore our potential, it can also be detrimental to our mental […]

Addicted to work? Follow our 3 tips to address it effectively

Addicted to work? Follow our 3 tips to address it effectively

Being addicted to work can have serious consequences in various aspects of our lives. Overworking can damage our mental health as well as the working environment in our organization. We must make sure we find the balance between our working life and personal life, whether as an individual or as HR managers, for our employees’ […]

September: the enemy of vacation

September: the enemy of vacation

You’ve already noticed: September is here and the vacations from July and August are over.  The cities are once again filled with cars, noise, and offices full of dreary and nostalgic people. These people are full of ambivalent feelings, and during this month, they tend to complain and focus on their negative emotions more than […]