I want to be happy: the fascinating path to wellness

I want to be happy: the fascinating path to wellness

Happiness is something that every single human being is concerned with. Although we refer to it in different ways and think about it from different perspectives, at the end of the day what is hidden within that word is and always has been the same: to feel well. In fact, the idea of well–being, although […]

Hypochondria: when your symptoms enslave you

Hypochondria: when your symptoms enslave you

All of us at some point have felt concern about some symptoms that we may have felt, although proably just dealt with it by taking an ibuprofen. However, there are people who can not stop worrying about their symptoms, making them grow bigger and bigger. In psychology, we call this hypochondria. How does a hypochondriac […]

Making decisions: the beginning of a turn in your life

Making decisions: the beginning of a turn in your life

There are moments during our lives where we might consider making a change. And when we talk about a change, we don’t mean a new haircut – we mean a radical change. In fact, there are circumstances that may cause us to rethink our whole situation, especially when we are not satisfied with our life […]

A story: “Why therapy changed my life”

A story: “Why therapy changed my life”

I remember the day that I decided to start personal therapy. I already made some attempts in the past, but if I am being 100% honest, I never saw it as a real help in the past. It just seemed like the thing to do. But this time, I was broken inside. That’s the only […]