Cohabitation: more than sharing a space


Sharing a living space can be a great experience whether it be with family, roommates, or a romantic partner. Challenges are inevitable, regardless of how ideal your living situation seems at first. You’ll most likely encounter new behaviors, schedules, and comfort zones when sharing a living space. How are you supposed to choose which differences to […]

Resilience: 4 characteristics to make you shine after the storm

Resilience: 4 characteristics to make you shine after the storm

In the face of adversity, our resilience is put to the test. It’s not about resisting, because that’s the easy way out. If a tornado hit your home and you were spared but your environment around you was destroyed, simply choosing to remain in that environment is just resisting, but not necessarily being resilient. It […]

Finishing the holidays means it is time to start a new project

Finishing the holidays means it is time to start a new project

Have you returned from the holidays with a head full of new project ideas? September is usually the time to unpack and return to our workers uniform, which includes schedules, companies, and routines that are a little more strict than what we experienced during the holidays. Once we break that ice, however, it is time […]