Download our Well-being Glossary!

Workplace well-being glossary

Discover the key concepts to boost your team’s mental well-being!

Employee mental well-being has many aspects and depends on multiple factors. At ifeel, we want you to keep them all in mind and not miss any of them, at least not the important ones.

To do this, we have put them together in an A-Z glossary so you can consult them at a glance. Guess what they are by looking at their first letter and our description. Let’s see how many you know!

Download our Well-being Glossary!

Why download this glossary?

Taking care of employees requires many factors to be kept in mind, and it is easy to forget or be unfamiliar with certain concepts.

To have critical information in order, accessible, and, most importantly, well explained, we recommend downloading this Well-being Glossary.


It is a document where, through a simple game, we explain the essential concepts that you should use to boost your team’s mental well-being.