Meal vouchers

Flexible benefits: the advantages of meal vouchers

Meal vouchers are one of the flexible remuneration methods best valued by employees and companies due to the various advantages it offers to both. 

At the corporate level, many companies have found that meal vouchers are a useful tool to achieve a very important goal for every corporation: increasing employee motivation and loyalty within the company, so as to avoid talent drain as much as possible. 

They have every reason to think so. Over the years, this flexible benefit measure has been installed in the business world and enjoys great popularity among the people who benefit from it as well as the companies that promote it. 

As a matter of fact, not everyone thinks meal vouchers are perfect. However, although in some cases it could be thought that meal vouchers encourage consumption that would not occur if workers did not have this benefit, in reality, the most popular claim is that having this flexible remuneration improves their employee experience

Meal vouchers

5 advantages of meal vouchers

Summarizing the basic fiscal philosophy on which it is based, we can consider that meal vouchers are mostly linked to a very key concept: the idea of saving (money, time, planning, and preparation of meals…) within the framework of the salary that the employee receives from the company and, therefore, of the income they will have to declare. 

Let’s see which are some of the highlighted social benefits when we ask those who are most familiar with this flexible remuneration scheme: the users who benefit from the meal voucher on a daily basis.

1. It allows saving money through the reduction of taxable income and annual personal income tax that must be paid when filing the income tax declaration each year. 

2. It makes it easier to get out of the office during the lunch break. Some people prefer to bring their tupperware from home and eat in the company canteen, while others like to leave the office and get some fresh air, even during lunchtime. Having meal vouchers encourages them to do so.

3. It can be convenient for employees who do not want to worry about preparing food every day.

4. It allows workers to have a greater choice in their diet and if they choose to, to eat more healthily, both of which are very stimulating for many people. 

5. It helps companies improve their internal and external reputation by facilitating the engagement of current employees. It also sends a message to potential employees that the company cares about making life easier for team members and optimizing the financial resources of both individuals and the organization.

Meal vouchers

Ifeel has created an emotional well-being program for companies, designed by its team of leading psychologists who specialize in different areas of mental health care to help companies boost their employees’ mental health and increase productivity sustainably.

Thanks to this partnership, HR managers can receive personalized, data-driven advice, tailored to the company’s needs and based on actual data about staff on how to increase team motivation, for example through an efficient flexible compensation strategy that includes the use of meal vouchers.

In addition, ifeel‘s emotional well-being program for companies offers employees a mental health care service structured at different levels depending on individual needs. This way, employees can access various mental health care tools with ifeel‘s app. On level two, they can receive emotional support through a chat with one of our platform’s licensed psychologists. If additional support is needed, they can access the third level of the program: online psychological therapy with a psychologist specialized in cases such as theirs. It is important to remember that the best way to avoid absenteeism and 

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