Online Therapy for the LGTBIQ+ Community

Online Therapy for the LGTBIQ+ Community

What are the common issues in the LGTBIQ+ community?

A person’s self-esteem and assertiveness can get quite damaged if the surrounding family or social environment does not have an open attitude towards sexual diversity. Post-traumatic stress due to bullying and/or emotional dependence are also frequent, both of which can lead to a high level of anxiety.

How can I learn to live my sexuality proudly?

Sometimes we are very aware of our sexual orientation, yet other times doubts and questions might arise. What’s important is knowing that there is a great deal of sexual diversity among human beings. If you have difficulties or need help to get to know yourself and accept your sexual orientation, we’re here to help you with this.

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Will my sex life be affected if I have difficulties with my sexual orientation?

Of course! Having a negative view of yourself may generate discomfort that gets transferred to your sex life. Sex may then become a source of validation or of regulating your anxiety and no longer something enjoyable. If you think that you find yourself in this situation, then you may benefit from seeking help from a mental health professional.

What people are included in the LGTBIQ+ collective?

The LGTBIQ+ group includes anyone who feels that their sexual orientation or gender identity does not exactly fit the categories established by normal society. Lesbians, gays, transsexuals, bisexuals, intersexuals, queers and other labels are used to define people in this very diverse group.

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How can online therapy help the LGTBIQ+ collective?

Discrimination and not being able to fully live your gender identity can lead to serious psychological consequences. Therapy is key to work through these difficulties and heal.

You may need professional help if you identify with the LGBTQ+ collective and you:

You may need professional help if you identify with the LGBTQ+ collective and you:

  • You don’t know how to talk openly about it with my family and/or friends
  • You feel you are unable to develop healthy and satisfying relationships
  • You use sex as your main anxiety management strategy.
  • You live with HIV and have difficulty accepting the diagnosis
  • Fear of contracting HIV or other STDs make your sex life more difficult
  • You have a very negative view of the LGTBIQ+ collective and are uncomfortable with being associated with it.
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