There is no simple answer to how to fit in at work when you are new, even when you arrive with a high level of motivation and enthusiasm. When looking for a job, we don’t worry too much. Still, we all know that becoming part of a team after passing a selection process and adapting to its dynamics is like when you try to include yourself in any other social situation. Not only does it depend on your openness and social skills, but these must be combined with a certain attitude and skills on behalf of the team that receives you. This post discusses how to fit in at work and therefore protect your self-esteem.
How to fit in at work when you are new
In this sense, there is a bit of everything. There are hostile and welcoming companies, open-minded teams, and teams that reject newcomers. There are companies whose corporate culture is based on “the more, the merrier” and companies where the work environment is characterized by toxic competitiveness that makes its members suspicious of recruits. Whatever the case, you never know what you will encounter when you arrive at the office on your first day and are introduced to your colleagues.
When arriving new to a job and wondering how we should approach it, we can either insist on being ourselves at all costs and have everyone adapt to us, or we can be guided by what we are going to call here the four “P” rule or, in short, the 4P rule on how to fit in at work.
The 4P rule on how to fit in at work when you are new
If you want to know how to fit in at work when you are new, you must follow this rule. From authenticity and realism, you will see that it will help you with your most important objective on a social level in your first weeks as a company member. To adapt and fit in with the team and the company in a way that is beneficial for both parties and, therefore, improves the performance and the psychological well-being of the employee.
1. Prudence
Remember that when you arrive and want to join the team, you do not yet know your new colleagues or the relationships and alliances. Don’t be in a hurry to make yourself known, to bond with them, or to give an image of excellent solvency: there will be time for that.
On the contrary, in the beginning, you should observe and listen more than giving your opinion, especially if you want to integrate positively among your new colleagues. Don’t ask indiscreet questions, and don’t feel obliged to answer any indiscreet questions you may be asked at the drop of a hat. Do not make negative comments to a colleague about another colleague. Show gratitude but remember that excessive praise is taken as flattery.
2. Protocol
In this case, we are talking about politeness and courtesy. People are usually nice and approachable when we start working in a team. Still, it is not superfluous to accompany our requests with an extra courtesy: “I know I asked you before”, “Sorry to bother you again with this”, “Am I interrupting you too much, or do you have five minutes?” are expressions that, together with those that indicate gratitude, help colleagues not to feel the new person’s doubts as a burden. Of course, making edgy comments when we don’t yet have confidence with colleagues who have been around longer and already know each other is a dreadful start.
3. Patience
Everyone wants to know how to fit in at work when they are new, but it isn’t always easy: when we arrive, we have to become familiar with new places, people, names, tasks, company culture, and methodologies. We are all nervous when we arrive, we get saturated quickly, we get it wrong in many ways, and we must be humble and indulgent enough to take it as a necessary adaptation period. Adapting to our new tasks can take a long time, and we have to do what we can to, for example, avoid any possible imposter syndrome that we may start to develop.
4. Participation
In addition to being cautious and paying attention to what is going on around us, it is important that we gradually become involved in the dynamics of this team and adapt to the company in general. This involves how we communicate through the company’s internal channels and in team meetings, team buildings, and relaxed moments (breaks, lunch). Observing and listening carefully does not mean acting like a piece of furniture: to connect with others, we must participate and make ourselves known little by little.
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Emotional well-being program for companies
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At ifeel, we strive to ensure that our professional life is at the service of our health. Our team of psychologists, experts in well-being at work, has created an emotional well-being program for companies that improves talent retention, reduces absenteeism, and combats employee stress.
Take a look at our Resources section: we have added valuable material such as Podcasts, HR Guides, and Interviews with HR leaders. In addition, you have at your disposal a Psychosocial Risk Factors Template, which you can use to comply with the requirements of the Labor Inspectorate.
Thanks to our emotional well-being program, your HR managers can receive personalized, data-driven advice on improving the psychological well-being of their teams. In addition, this program offers employees a 360° mental health care service structured at different levels according to their needs. Try our program today to see how it could help you.