How to improve your self-esteem

How to improve your self-esteem: 10 key factors

Have you ever thought about how to improve your self-esteem? There are a number of factors that can affect this, especially if we focus on the workplace. Keep reading to find out how you can tackle this issue and how it can harm your mental well-being.

When employees’ self-esteem is strong, their productivity and job satisfaction flourish. Conversely, if self-esteem is low, it can have detrimental effects on not only individual performance but also the overall health of the organisation. Companies must prioritise strategies to nurture self-esteem and mental well-being among their staff.

Self-esteem is one of the most important pillars of our emotional well-being. However, the level of self-esteem is not ingrained; it must be cultivated throughout life. When we suffer because our self-esteem is low, taking care of ourselves will help us love ourselves more. When we live a moment characterised by high self-esteem, these actions of self-respect help us maintain this level of inner assertiveness. Self-esteem improves our quality of life because it helps us not to take criticism personally, or allows us to have better resources to respond to that situation, without sinking mentally because of what happened.

Ultimately, through this process of inner self-discovery, we learn to differentiate between facts and people. So, when you experience a setback, try to remember that your value goes beyond that specific circumstance. This is also the case with success. Otherwise, we can be very vulnerable by increasing the fragility of living in a constant wheel of emotion where perception changes depending on the point of view marked by the situation of the moment.

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How to improve your self-esteem

Learn how to improve your self-esteem 

Today is a good day to start looking at yourself in the mirror with a new outlook of kindness, affection, and respect. Aspects we fail to practice when we judge ourselves harshly. In essence, this is self-esteem. For this reason, it is often necessary to turn to psychological professionals.

So, how can companies actively contribute to improving the self-esteem of their employees and, in turn, bolster their mental well-being? Here are ten key factors to consider.

1. Foster a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Encourage employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance from the moment they begin their selection process. If employees are happy and fulfilled outside of work, it will have a direct impact on their performance. Implement flexible working hours; this will give them time to pursue personal interests and spend quality time with their loved ones.

2. Work as a source of self-esteem

The impact of work on self-esteem is closely intertwined with workplace well-being. Work remains one of the most significant contributors to an individual’s self-esteem and overall mental health. For instance, you may find yourself in a job that doesn’t align with your professional training, which can negatively affect your self-esteem and mental well-being.

In such cases, it’s essential to take proactive steps to maintain motivation and nurture self-esteem while striving for workplace well-being. One effective approach is to implement an active job search plan focused on your vocational sector. Additionally, participating in volunteer activities for one to two hours per week can be a valuable strategy.

3. Autonomy

Allowing employees to have a sense of control over their work and decision-making can boost self-esteem. Empower individuals to take ownership of their projects and encourage them to make independent choices when appropriate.

This initiative improves your quality of life because it allows you to overcome your fears but also enhances personal empowerment in time management. That is when we do not stop doing things because we have no one to enjoy them with, at that moment we feel in control of our own life by making better use of those leisure spaces that would otherwise be less meaningful.

4. Physical activity

Physical exercise is one of the most important stimuli to learn how to improve your self-esteem. Through the simple practice of a walk, you receive sensory stimuli that elevate your well-being in an integral way, thanks to the well-being routine of integrating body and mind. If you are at the office, remember to take small breaks and implement healthy office habits in your routine.

5. Face your fears

Be aware of the fears that limit you. When something scares you, don’t get stuck in your own fear, but try to connect with what is on the other side of that fear. Often we fear what we most desire because we are affectively involved with that goal. Take pen and paper and write down what the fear is, what desire it connects with and what personal resources you have to manage that situation.

6. Power lies in the words

We encourage you to consciously strengthen your daily language words with a positive and vital meaning. Words have an imprint on your inner self, they create an emotional disposition towards life. For example, be emotionally generous to those around you. Nourish the self-esteem of others with the sincere recognition of those virtues or gestures that you admire.

7. Who or what inspires you?

What person is a role model for you because of their personal ethics and attitude in the face of negative circumstances? Visualise everything you have learned from that person. Take a deep breath and try to think that you have all the internal resources necessary to model that person’s attitudes. Specify one virtue you would like to nurture. Then, draw up a plan of action with the steps to follow to achieve it.

8. Focus on what you like 

Your self-esteem improves noticeably when you begin to devote more time to what you really like. Talk to your manager if you aren’t happy with the tasks given to you at work. Performance reviews are a good time to reflect on what you enjoy doing and what you don’t.

9. Physical contact 

Physical contact reinforces emotional affection, which is the vitamin for the soul. That is, hugs, with people you trust, have a medicinal value for you. Likewise, the gesture of smiling can change your perspective of that moment. Since the other person will most likely respond to your smile with another smile, following the law of the mirror generates feedback of recognition that raises self-esteem. After all, we are social beings by nature.

10. Avoid tunnel vision

Try not to describe reality in extreme terms such as “always” or “never”. Since concepts such as “everything” or “nothing” do not fit an existence rich in nuances either. Often, this language is the result of low self-esteem that enhances tunnel vision in the face of problems. A vision that leads us to believe there is only one option in a given situation. In that case, broaden your perspective, look for other options. You are sure to find them.

How to improve your self-esteem: 10 key factors

Nurturing mental well-being in organisations

At ifeel, partner with companies worldwide to inspire human growth and guide organisations in cultivating a positive mental well-being culture. A tailored and people-centric approach that places your employees’ health at the core, as a fundamental pillar in attracting and retaining talent and enhancing their sense of belonging.

A unique, comprehensive, and scalable solution that uses the power of data to provide a holistic understanding of your employees’ mental well-being, while ensuring service quality and confidentiality for your team.

We hope you found this post on How to improve you self-esteem interesting. If you would like more information about ifeel’s employee well-being platform, simply request it, and we will contact your team as soon as possible.

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