5 tips to avoid a decline in productivity

Avoiding a decline in productivity is essential for the survival of any company. Aspects such as the environment, economic situation, and emotional salary programs greatly impact employees’ performance. 

Another factor that influences a decline in productivity is employees’ psychological well-being, which can be boosted through personalized counseling programs delivered by professional psychologists to make data-driven decisions that improve the company’s performance. 

However, to have an effective methodology that helps avoid a decline in productivity, the best solution is to act directly with the habits employees need to eliminate from their routine to perform better.

If you’re reading this, you are probably interested in avoiding low productivity in your job. This is a good starting point to improve your performance and focus on more specific aspects of your job. 

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decline in productivity

5 tips to avoid a decline in productivity

1. Don’t have numerous tabs open on your screen

It’s not good to have too many tabs open simultaneously on your screen, including WhatsApp, social media, and press, unless they are essential for your work. Especially if they are not work-related, close those windows to avoid the temptation of opening them whenever you want to distract yourself. 

2. Keep your desk tidy

Papers, folders, notes, a plant, notebook, pots of pens without pens but take up space… Don’t let your workspace be invaded by several objects that detract you from your ability to focus on the task at hand.

3. Stop chatting to your colleagues so much 

Chatting with colleagues from time to time is essential to vent and generate a positive work environment. However, to do this, use “official” breaks and don’t interrupt your colleagues too much for things that can wait. This way, all of you will be able to concentrate on your tasks. 

4. Don’t do your tasks in a messy way 

When we sit down at our desks every day, we can do things in many ways, doing tasks here and there, leaving some halfway through or procrastinating with certain tasks just because we don’t want to do them… Or we can work clearly and concisely knowing exactly what we need to complete in a day and getting things done in an orderly manner. 

5. Don’t lose control of the time dedicated to each task or breaks 

Sometimes we work in a very flexible way, especially if we are working from home and there is less supervision over our work. However, it is important to start and finish things when they have to be and not to improvise the time distribution. This way, we don’t finish tasks in a rush and don’t waste time taking longer breaks than we need. 

decline in productivity

As you know, there is not one specific way of answering how to avoid a decline in productivity. However, there are basic guidelines you should avoid when asking yourself how to enhance your productivity at work. 

For HR managers, improving workplace productivity is linked to boosting employees’ emotional well-being. Statistics won’t stop repeating themselves: good mental health in a company is a key factor when fostering staff performance. 

Improving emotional well-being in companies

At ifeel, we are committed to improving employee and company well-being. That is why we strive to help them in the challenge of generating stimulating and healthy work environments for their employees.  

For this purpose, our psychologists have created an emotional well-being program for companies. Through this collaboration, your company’s HR managers will be able to receive personalized, data-driven advice on how to improve their teams’ psychological well-being. In addition, this program provides employees with a complete mental health care service structured at different levels according to their needs. Try our program now to see how it can help you.

Visit our Resources section, where you will find podcasts, guides for Human Resources, or interviews with leading HR professionals. In addition, you will have access to a Psychosocial Risk Factors Template, which will help you comply with the Labor Inspection requirements.  

We hope this post about how to avoid a decline in productivity has given you some good ideas to make it easier for you to fulfill your tasks. If you want additional information about our company’s emotional well-being program, get in touch with our team.

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